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The Delais. THE SHOW

The Delai

Catalan rumba, hip-hop & ska

Musical creativity has a natural process. Everything is based on the experience itself. First of all, you hear the song inside, then give you shape, after you share it with the most trusted people, later the song is recorded among all, then the audience is yours and only those more brave ones become a video clip.

Live concert on catalan TV

barberia abat ceret avec xisku

Xisku of Céret

burro català els delai

The Burro Català

tot anirà bé els delai

Everything will go well

What we do…

The Delai are a group of their own music. Our songs travel through Catalan rumba, hip hop, Balkan rhythms, going through pop melodies and ending with some Latin rhythm. Designed to party but without leaving the opportunity to put a message.


Our main value is to offer original songs within a show with characters invented, Xisku, La Cabra and Burro, which, through some tadpoles, interact during the staging.


Our current training is quintet, designed for large scenarios. Two guitars, one bass, electronic bases and trombone and Tenora section. Delai’s show is suitable for all audiences.


For smaller parties we have a sound system of 2500 watts and two racs of lights, which we can carry and assemble and sound in about 2h.
For large stages we have the services of the specialized company Image and Sound of Figueres that puts at the disposal of the event everything you need.
So seriously discover some songs that connect with you.
Catalan Rumba, hip-Hop, Balcan, ska, reggae, pop… Songs of Perversion, reflection, pain and good moments.


Buy our fashion


We decided to put an online store after a long time because the concerts lots of people asked us T-shirts and we didn’t always have them ready. Now with the online store anyone can get one of the size and shape that you want.
Best of all, you can peroalize them! Boys-girls, man-woman, T-shirts and sweatshirts.

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